Tracts can be, and are, useful tools to have when teaching others about the gospel of Christ. Many are available on a number of different subjects. Some are written for those outside of Christ who need to learn the first principles of the gospel. Others are written to expose denominational error. Some are intended for the member of the church who is practicing and/or teaching doctrinal error in order to get him to abandon his erroneous teachings and practices which are contrary to God's word. Still others are written to edify and strengthen the faithful.
Tracts can effectively spread the gospel to those who are in need of hearing it. Even though many people are reluctant to attend the services of the church, they will accept a tract and read it especially if it has been given to them by someone whom they believe is genuinely concerned about their spiritual well-being.
Christians need to avail themselves of every opportunity to evangelize. Even though the great commission (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16) places the burden of spreading the gospel on every generation, some fail to fulfill their share of the responsibility to it because they feel inadequate to do a good job. Using tracts, along with diligent study (2 Tim. 2:15), can help them overcome such feelings of inadequacy.
Some caution, though, needs to be exercised when using Bible tracts to teach.
First, you must recognize that a tract is written by a man who is not inspired and it has no inherent authority. The Bible is the sole source of authority in religious matters (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:3; 2 John 9).
You should not distribute tracts indiscriminately without knowing what is contained in them. Error can be just as easily taught by tracts as truth is. Any tract must be carefully read and compared to Scripture to see if its message is true. Only when its teachings are found to be in harmony with the word of God should it be given to another person. It is just as wrong to teach error by circulating an erroneous tract as it is to teach false doctrine from the pulpit of the church building.
Tracts must not be used as a substitute for individual study and growth. Tracts can be properly used by any Christian whether young or old in the faith but they should not be used as a "crutch" by those who lack personal initiative to study and grow. There is no method of instruction as good as the personal teaching by a knowledgeable child of God. All Christians are to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18) and not just rely on such aids as tracts. Tracts are not printed to promote lethargy.
Use tracts. Use them wisely. Use them for the salvation of others and for the glory of God. Check out the tract rack today and keep a good supply on hand.