Free Sermon Outlines by Gene Taylor

Lessons On Attitude. Many congregations have members who seem to struggle with bad attitudes. Carnal attitudes do great damage: not only to our own spiritual lives but also to the well-being of another person, an entire congregation, and even the cause of Christ in general. To that end, Gene Taylor wrote this book which has ten sermon outlines that demonstrate the proper attitudes a Christian should have toward different aspects of his service to the Lord and others (PDF File size: 233).

Preaching Jesus. This is a book contains 25 sermon outlines which focus on the Son of God. These sermons were compiled by Gene Taylor and David Padfield (PDF File size: 415k).

A Study of Premillenialsim. This is a book contains eight sermon outlines on premillenialsim and the kingdom of Christ. These lessons may be presented from the pulpit, studied in a Bible class setting, or used in private studies. The lessons are: "An Introduction;" "Has the Kingdom Prophesied by OT Writers Been Established?;" "The Kingship of Jesus;" "Fulfillment of the Land Promise and the Restoration of the Jews to That Land;" "The Conversion of Israel;" "The Rapture;" "Armageddon;" and "An Analysis of Revelation 20:1-6."(PDF File size: 280k).

Lessons From The Life Of Paul. Seven sermon outlines related to the life of the Apostle Paul, including his conversion, the things he saw while blind, his sermon in Athens, his prayer for the Ephesians, and several more (PDF File size: 270k).

The Work Of The Lord. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that Christians are "created in Christ Jesus for good works." Titus 2:14 says Christians are to be "zealous for good works." Titus 3:8 tells them to "be careful to maintain good works." 1 Corinthians 15:58 commands them to be "always abounding in the work of the Lord." This series of lessons was designed to help Christians live up to those responsibilities whether individually or collectively in the local church. Sermon topics include: "The Autopsy of a Dead Body;" "Why Aren't More Christians Involved in the Work of the Lord?" "Essentials to the Work of the Lord;" "The Work of the Church;" "The Success of the Early Church;" "Working and Cooperating with Other Christians;" and "Back to the Basics" (PDF File size: 252k).

Bible Greats Volume I: Great Bible Wonders. The Bible contains many miracles that were performed in order that people would see God’s awesome power and believe His word. Although God doesn’t demonstrate His power in the same way today, He has given us a permanent record of these miraculous events in His inspired word. By studying some of these fascinating stories in the Old and New Testaments we can strengthen our faith and better appreciate God’s marvelous power. These sermons may be presented as a series or independently for each lesson is complete in and of itself and does not build on previous lessons (PDF File size: 336k).

Bible Greats Volume II: Great Bible Examples. This series focuses on four of the many great examples in the Bible—Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David—and then closes with the greatest example, Jesus Christ. These sermons may be presented as a series or independently for each lesson is complete in and of itself and does not build on previous lessons (PDF File size: 299k).

Bible Greats III: Great Champions for God. The Bible records the lives of many contenders for the faith who became "champions" in every sense of the word—champions for God. This series focuses on five of them—Gideon, Nehemiah, Esther, Peter and Paul. These champions offer lessons in obedience, faith, courage, patience, perseverance, spiritual growth and evangelism that will enrich the lives of all who hear them. These sermons may be presented as a series or independently for each lesson is complete in and of itself and does not build on previous lessons (PDF File size: 328k).

His Banner Over Us Is Love. This series of five sermons is on love. Is there any greater theme than love? If we learn to appreciate the boundless love that God has shown toward us, we will have no problem at all in returning that love through obedience to His divine word. Christ said, "If you love me you will keep my commandments." (John 14:15) In the Bible God has given us the many qualities of love and numerous examples of that love. The lessons in this series will help all ages to better understand the love God has for mankind and the love we need to manifest toward Him and our fellow man. These sermons may be presented as a series or independently for each lesson is complete in and of itself and does not build on previous lessons (PDF File size: 184k).

Making Your Call and Election Sure. This series of sermons focuses on those things the Scriptures tell us that as Christians we need to do to make certain our salvation. To help make "our call and election sure" and secure our hearts before God, these lessons suggest we should "Put on the Armor of God," "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself," "Choose Good Companions," "Use Your Talents Wisely," and "Grow in Jesus Every Day." These sermons may be presented as a series or independently for each lesson is complete in and of itself and does not build on previous lessons (PDF file size: 308k).

Living In God's World. The aim of this series is to firmly establish the supreme authority of God as the creator and ruler of the universe and all that is in it and to show us how we are to live in response to Him and His provisions for us and our well-being. The lessons are designed to contain basic values useful in establishing a pattern for righteous living. The series begins by examining "The Godhead." It then considers, in order, "The World - God’s Creation," "The Bible - God’s Revelation," "The Families of God," and "Civil Government - A Plan of God." These sermons may be presented as a series or independently for each lesson is complete in and of itself and does not build on previous lessons (PDF file size: 244k).

Because Jesus Died for Me. This sermon series focuses on Jesus and our responsibilities to Him. Since He made the supreme sacrifice for us by leaving heaven, coming to earth, living a sinless life, then dying a sacrificial death on the cross, we should live our lives for Him and His glory. These sermons may be presented as a series or independently for each lesson is complete in and of itself and does not build on previous lessons (PDF file size: 289k).

More Than Conquerors, a series of sermons by Gene Taylor. This series of five sermons emphasizes the theme expressed in Romans 8:37, where the apostle Paul wrote, "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." These lessons cover five distinct areas which demonstrate not only the victories that God granted to His people in every age but also the victories that are available to us today in Jesus Christ (PDF file size: 388k).

Jesus: The Miracle Worker, a series of sermons on the miracles of Jesus. This series of sermons considers the miracles of Jesus and their purpose; the relationship of His miracles to Old Testament prophecy; how His miracles validated both His teaching and person; and how they demonstrated a power superior to that of Satan (PDF file size: 420k).

Sermons Of Truth And Reason (Vol. 1), contains 26 capsule sermon outlines on various Bible topics. Included are lessons on happiness, the authority of Jesus, the fear of the Lord, impenitence, prayer, overcoming sin, walking by faith, the temptation of Jesus, the parent-child relationship, wisdom, forgiveness and salvation (PDF file size: 180k).

Sermons Of Truth And Reason (Vol. 2), contains 27 full sermon outlines on various Bible topics including a seven lesson series on worship. Some of the other topics are "Measuring Spiritual Maturity," "Learning and Teaching Proper Respect," "Laziness," "Worldliness," "Making Wise Choices," and "In the World Not of the World" (PDF file size: 409k).

Sermons Of Truth And Reason (Vol. 3), this book contains 20 full outlines which are ready to preach. Topics, which range from very basic to deeper studies, include "Calling On the Name of the Lord," "The Power of the Word of God," "Building a Strong Congregation," "The Antichrist," "The Millennial Reign," and "The Example of Youth" (PDF file size: 346k).

Sermons Of Truth And Reason (Vol. 4). This book contains 20 full outlines which are ready to preach. Topics, which range from very basic to deeper studies, include "The Power of Example," "The Blessing Of Forgiveness," "Behavior At Services," "The Beautiful Woman," "By Nature The Children Of Wrath," "Being Happy As A Christian," and "The Possibility Of Apostasy" (PDF file size: 344k).

Sermons of Truth and Reason (Vol. 5). This book of sermons contains 15 complete and detailed outlines which are ready to preach. They are on a variety of Biblical topics and include three lessons which focus on Jesus: "Jesus Christ: The Son of God," "Jesus Christ: The Son of Man," and "Jesus Christ: The Sacrifice for Sin" (File size: 340k).

Sermons of Truth and Reason (Vol. 6). This is a collection of twenty Bible-based sermon outlines by Gene Taylor that are ready to preach. The lessons are on a variety of topics including "The One Approved of God;" "The Influence of Baal on Our Worship;" "Growing as a Christian;" "Self-Righteousness;" "Who Is a Christian?" and "Resisting the Devil." (File size: 364k).

Preaching On Prayer, this book contains eight sermon outlines on the vital topic of prayer. Topics include: "What Is Prayer?," "The Elements of Prayer," "Assumptions of Prayer," "The Power of Prayer—Its Blessings," "Things for Which to Pray," "Keys to Acceptable Prayer," "The Model Prayer," and "Common Questions on Prayer" (PDF file size: 356k).

Calvinism Analyzed And Answered, this is a six lesson study which considers the doctrines of Calvinism then compares and contrasts them with Scripture to see whether or not they stand or fall in light of God's word. It can be used in a class study or presented from the pulpit (PDF file size: 432k).

Sermons On Local Church Government: Elders And Deacons, this sermon outline book contains lessons on: (1) "Why This Church Needs Elders;" (2) "'Elders' in the Old Testament: An Historical Perspective;" (3) "The New Testament Designations of Elders;" (4) "Eldership Responsibilities;" (5) "The Qualifications for Elders;" (6) "Developing Elders;" and (7) "The Qualifications and Work of Deacons" (PDF file size: 312k).

A Way To Teach. This is two-page handout that serves as an introduction to personall evangelism, and contains several helpful hints for teachers (PDF File size: 176k).

Expository Sermon Outlines. For several years Jeff Asher, Gene Taylor, and David Padfield operated a separate website that featured expository sermon outlines—all saved in individual PDF files. That website is now closed, but we took over 100 of their favorite sermons and put them into this ZIP file. Once you download and decompress this file, you will have several folders full of PDF sermons. (ZIP file size 10.4 MB)

For further study