Joppa (Jaffa) In Israel

by David Padfield

St. Peter's Monastery in Joppa, or Jaffa


The city of Joppa was home to one of the oldest, if not the oldest, sea port in the world. Joppa, known today as Jaffa, is located on Israel's western coast.

Many significant events took place at Joppa: The cedars of Lebanon passed through the port here on their way to the Temple in Jerusalem; Jonah, the reluctant prophet, set sail from Joppa before being swallowed by the great fish; and Peter raised Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead in this city.

When an angel of the Lord stood before Cornelius, he instructed him to send men down to Joppa so they could bring the apostle Peter back to Caesarea so he could preach to Cornelius and his household.

St. Peter's Monastery (photo above), dedicated to the apostle Peter, was established by the Franciscans in the 1890's. It was built over the ruins of a citadel that dates from the Seventh Crusade, which was led by King Louis IX of France.