In 1994 Mac Deaver and David Padfield engaged in a four night public discussion in the Chicago area on the limits of church benevolence. Deaver affirmed it was the responsibility of the local church to build and maintain hospitals, nursing homes and recreational facilities as a means of drawing people to Christ. Padfield maintained that the gospel itself is the only drawing power God uses to bring men to His Son. The following links will take you to articles, debate charts and audio files related to this debate.
Download the Charts from the Padfield-Deaver Debate. 117 overhead charts used by Padfield in this debate. You will need Acrobat Reader, available free from Adobe Systems, in order to view the charts. You are free to print the charts and use them in sermons and Bible classes. (PDF file size: 488k).
According the the rules for this debate, each speacker was given three 20-minute speeches per evening. These audio files are saved as MP3 files—you can click on the links to listen to them now, or right-click with your mouse and "Save to disk" to listen to them later. Each file is approximately 28MB in size.
The first two nights of the debate were held in Schaumburg, Illinois on June 20 and 21, 1994. The proposition debated was, "The Scriptures teach that a local church may grant benevolent aid to alien sinners." Mac Deaver affirmed this proposition and David Padfield denied it.
The last two nights of the debate were held in Zion, Illinois on June 23 and 24, 1994. The proposition debated was, "The Scriptures teach that the exclusive New Testament pattern for the benevolent work of the local church from its treasury is the relief of needy saints." David Padfield affirmed this proposition and Mac Deaver denied it.