Survey of the Bible
We are pleased to introduce a new Bible Survey class book by Keith Sharp. This free Bible study guide has 22 lessons and is designed to serve as an introduction to the Bible. This book is suitable for use in classes from junior high through the adult level. The lessons include…
- The Periods of Bible History
- The Divine Plan of the Ages
- The Greatest Book in the World
- Creation
- The Fall
- Before the Flood
- The Flood
- Mankind Scattered
- The Patriarchs
- Egyptian Slavery
- Wilderness Wondering
- Conquest of Canaan
- The Judges
- The United Kingdom
- The Divided Kingdom
- Judah Alone
- Babylonian Captivity
- Restoration
- Silence
- The Life of Christ
- The Spread Of The Gospel
- Letters To Christians
This 111 page PDF file (3.3MB) is filled with charts and maps.