The Beatitudes

In the second year of our Lord's earthly ministry He walked up a hill on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee and taught His disciples (Matt 5:1–2). Moses went up into a mountain to receive the Law; Jesus ascended a mountain to explain the Law. As was the custom of Jewish rabbis, Jesus sat down to teach (cf. Luke 4:20).

The Beatitudes are probably the best-known, but least understood and least followed, of all the teachings of Jesus. The Beatitudes are a collection of eight characteristics (qualities of life) that separate children of God from the rest of the world (Matt 5:3–12). These eight beatitudes describe the blessed state of those who humbly submit themselves to the will of God. These are not eight different groups of people (poor, mourners, meek, etc.), but every Christian is meant to manifest every one of these characteristics.

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The Beatitudes: The Path To A New Life (2nd edition, 2024) is a series of nine expository sermon outlines from the preamble to the Sermon on the Mount (46 pages; PDF file size: 757k).

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